所在 :横浜市青葉区
構造 :木造
構造設計:OUVI inc.
施工 :山洋工業株式会社
一方、内部空間では角度を振った外観の構成とは別のロジックでプランニングを行った。それは、これから変化していく、家族と暮らしに対応できる住まいにするためである。玄関ーリビングー寝室 という距離の序列は、家の中にある公私を決める大切な要素である。特に、家の中でもっとも大きい場所となるリビングとそこにつながる庭は、奥行きを持つ空間をつくりだす最も重要な関係となる。2階の個室空間は角度を振った壁によって大きさと開放度の異なるスペースをそれぞれ計画し、暮らしの用途と変化に合わせて使い分けられるようにした。最後は夫婦2人の空間として大きなワンルームに戻すことも可能なように、内壁は構造と切り離した壁(パーテーション)になっている。
Houses around this site have all of the windows and gardens facing south direction. We felt like most designers agreed upon a certain rule in design. When we first visited this site, we were surprised that it was surrounded by houses and it was very dark. But we found the sunlight from the gaps of the houses. We thought that setting up proper distances among houses is important to get enough sunlight for this site.
At first, we made two volumes on the south and north sides. We decided to rotate the center square volume to 45 degrees to make enough distance from the houses on the north side. On the other hand, the south side of this house is positioned along with the shape of the site. At the same time, we provided a gap between the two volumes. As a result, it created two triangle gardens and provided some light from the small opening on the inside. We mean that this house can get enough sunlight from the gaps of the neighboring /surrounding houses on the outside and gaps from the two volumes from the inside.
On the other side, there is another concept to make in planning. Each room is arranged in certain order putting into consideration how family/users are going to use them in daily life. There are no doors provided for each space. We created a common passage/hallway for the spaces. The entrance, kitchen, dining room, living room, kids room, and bedroom were placed right next to each other. The relation of the two gardens and the living space is the most important. We notice that the family spends the longest time in the living space so we made the design more flexible.
The living space could be extended to the garden to provide a wider space. The living space on the first floor gets enough sunlight from the small opening from the inside and two gardens which have enough distance from the neighboring houses. That makes the space bright the whole time during the day.